Saturday, September 29, 2007

Buffalo - Philly rivalry heating up?

It would be no surprise if Buffalo fans take to loathing the Flyers even more than the Leafs, thanks to the loss of former (wow -- I still have to take a deep breath when saying that) Captain Daniel Briere to Philadelphia for big bucks. (That it was a bad business move by Buffalo's front office won't be forgotten anytime soon, but that's another story.)

Buffalo has always been a hockey city -- it's the thing to do in the winter -- and truly re-embraced its team after the Lockout. So to call any Buffalonian a 'bandwagoner' is asking to pick a fight (and we're nice people, ok, so don't do that). But we can be witty and clever also, as was seen in the YouTube response by a guy named Brian to this video of Buffalo fans taking over a Philadelphia bar:

"Bandwagon fans i do agree we have. they buy a teeshirt watch half of a period out of the whole game,and cant name more then the top 10 players. But let me tell you my friend. People that were spending 100$'s of dollars to travel to your city,take over your bars and then try to fill your arena because your own fans cant are far from bandwagon fans."

Ouch. But like I always say: It's not mean if it's true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there are people who say that x team is their team
and then there are fans

and then there are fanatics (face painted-bare-chested folks).